Our QuiltCon 2020 video is ready

Our video from the QuiltCon 2020 event in Austin, Texas, in late February, is finally ready. If you want to see how such a significant quilting event looks, as seen through Norwegian eyes, you are welcome to watch the video here.
Jacquie Gering and Mali Storli Engedal
Jacquie Gering and Mali Engedal are strolling through the Austin Convention Center after the interview, which you may hear in the video below. (Photo: Toralv Østvang)

By Toralv Østvang

Our video from the QuiltCon 2020 event in Austin, Texas, in late February, is finally ready. If you want to see how such a significant quilting event looks, as seen through Norwegian eyes, you are welcome to watch the video here.

QuiltCon 2020, hosted by the Modern Quilt Guild, took place on February 20 through 23. We barely managed to get home before international travelers had to go to quarantine after a trip abroad.

QuiltCon was a delightful and impressive event. However, it also was a hectic event. We had no time to write and publish stories from QuiltCon while we were there. Scandinavian quilters may read our report from QuiltCon 2020 in The Scandinavian Quilt Magazine, issue No. 2/2020. The magazine is published in Norwegian, Danish, and Swedish. The magazine has also published our interview with Jacquie Gering, who launched her new book Walk 2 at QuiltCon.

We are inviting all our English-speaking friends to watch our QuiltCon video instead, as we have chosen to make it in English. Here is the video:

If you click on the X-looking symbol in the lower right of the video window, the video will appear in full-screen size.

If you want to download the video to show it on your living room TV, click on the word Vimeo in the video window. Then click on Download to save the video to your computer. The download process may take a while, as we have made the video in 4K resolution. Colorful quilts look nice in 4K. There is no problem viewing the video on lower-resolution TVs. In addition to showing the video on PCs and Macs, you may stream the video directly to the TV, a tablet, and a mobile phone. Endless possibilities. The easiest, though, is to click on the play button above.

Toralv er blogge-assistent og assisterende blogger. Han er pensjonert journalist, men skriver fortsatt mye om teknologi og litt om quilting – og er støttespiller på web-en.


Én kommentar

  1. Love it! So lucky that Quiltcon squeaked in before everything was shut down. Seems long ago now. Thanks so much for sharing!

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